40 Best English to pashto words with images

40 Best English to pashto words with images
40 best English to pashto words with images plus example sentences and English basic vocabularies usage in English stories with pashto translation

40 Best English to pashto with vocabularies images
Words list
Translator Mqbool Afghan

                    afraid [əˈfreid] adj. ډار ' ویره
When someone is afraid, they feel fear.

Ex→ I'm afraid of dogs
            زه د سپو څخه ویریږم

                      agree [əˈɡriː] v موافق' همغږي  
To agree is to say “yes” or to think the same way.

Ex→ A:
 The food is very good in that restaurant.
دهغه هوټل خواړه ډیر خوندور دي 
 B: I agree with you.
              هو زه ستاسره همغږي یم

                      angry [ˈæŋɡrɪ] adj. غوصه. 
When someone is angry, they may want to speak loudly or fight.

Ex→ why are you angry ?
     ته ولی په غوصه یې ؟ 
                      arrive [əˈraɪv] v . رسیدل.راتلل
To arrive is to get to or reach some place.

Ex → The bus always arrives at the corner of my street at 4:00.
زمونږ ګلی.کوڅې ته بس همیشه په ۴:۰۰ بجی راځی 

attack [əˈtæk] v. حمله.  جنګ
To attack is to try to fight or to hurt.

Ex→ The man with the sword attacked the other man first.
لومړنۍ کس په دوهم کس دتوري حمله 

bottom [ˈbɒtəm] n ښکتني برخه 
The bottom is the lowest part.

Ex→ The bottom of my shoe has a hole in it.
زما د بوټ تلی پری یا څوری ده
   clever [ˈklɛv ər] adj. هوشیارclever
When someone is clever, they can solve a hard puzzle or problem.

Ex→ my friend is very clever
  زما ملګری ډیر هوښيار ده
cruel [ˈkruːəl] adj. ظالم 

When someone is cruel, they do bad things to hurt others.

Ex→ I don't like cruel people
زه ظالم خلګ نه خوښوم 
hide [haɪd] v پټیدل.
To hide is to try not to let others see you.

Ex→ The child is hided
behind pillar 
ماشوم دستنی شاته پټ ده

hunt [hʌnt] v. شکار
To hunt is to look for or search for an animal to kill.

Ex→ Long ago, people hunted with bows and arrows.
مخکې زمانه کې به خلګو په ليندۍ او غیصو ښکار کاوه

lot [lɒt] n. ډیر؛ زیات 
A lot means a large number or amount of people, animals, things, etc.

Ex→ There are a lot of apples in the basket.
په ٹوکری کی ډيري مڼي شته

moment [ˈmoʊmənt] n. شیبه؛  moment
A moment is a second or a very short time.

Ex→ I was only a few moments late for the meeting.
زه یوازی یو څو شیبي دلیدنی لپاره ناوخته شوم

pleased [pli:zd] adj. خوشحاله
When someone is pleased, they are happy.

Ex→ She was pleased with the phone call she received.
هغه دټیلیفون زنګ څخه ډیره خوشحاله شوه

promise [ˈprɒmɪs] v. وعده؛
To promise is to say you will do something for sure.

Ex→ He promised to return my key by tomorrow.
هغه راسره وعده وکړه زما کیلانی به سبا راکړي 

reply [rɪˈplaɪ] v. جواب
To reply is to give an answer or say back to someone.
Ex→ She asked him what time his meeting was. He replied, “at three.”
هغی پوښتنه وکړه ستا لیدنه څه وخت وه؟
هغه جواب ورکړ په دري بجی 
safe [seɪf] adj. خوندی؛ محفوظ 
When a person is safe, they are not in danger.
Ex→ Put on your seat belt in the car to be safe.
خپل سيټ پټه وتړه ترڅو محفوظ شئ

trick [trɪk] n.فریب ؛ چل
A trick is something you do to fool another person.

Ex→ His card trick really surprised us.
هغه دپتو په چل مونږ ټول هیران کړو

well [wɛl] adv. شه؛خوندور
You use well to say that something was done in a good way.

Ex→ The couple can dance quite well.
دوي شه ډانس کولی شی

Words list for second story 
adventure [ədˈventʃər] n.ساعتيري؛  ورزش
An adventure is a fun or exciting thing that you do

Ex⇒they had adventured into the forest
دوی په ځنګل کی خوندور ساعتيري درلود 

approach [əˈproʊtʃ] v. نږدې؛ رسیدل  

To approach something means to move close to it.

Ex→ The boy approached his school.
ماشوم مکتب ته ورسيدو

nervous [ˈnɜr vəs] adj. پریشانه کیدل؛  خپه کیدل

When a person is nervous, they think something bad will happen.

Ex→ he became nervous when he heard the news.
کله چی هغه خبرونه واوريدل ډیر پریشانه شو

terrible [ˈtɛrəbəl] adj. خواشینوونکی؛  بد
If something is terrible, it is very bad.

Ex→ The way he treated his classmate was terrible .
کوم سلوک چی هغه له خپل صنفوال سره وکوو ډیر خواشینونکی وه 
worse [wɜrs] adj. ډیر خراب 
If something is worse, it is of poorer quality than another thing.

Ex→ Business was worse this month than last month.
دغه میاشت کاروبار ډیر خراب وه دتیري میاشتی په پرتله 
project [ˈprodʒekt] n. پروژه project
A project is a type of work that you do for school ora job.
Ex→ His afternoon work project was to paint the room green.
دهغه ماپښين پروژه کوټې په شین رنګ باندی رنګول وه 
noise [nɔɪz] n.شور؛  غال مغال 
A noise is an unpleasant sound.

Ex→ The crying baby made a loud noise.
د ماشوم ژړا ډیر غال مغال جوړ کوو
loud [laʊd] adj.لوړ؛  هسک 
If a sound is loud, it is strong and very easy to hear.

Ex→ The man’s voice was so loud that we all could hear him.
دهغه سړی غږ ډیر لوړ وه نو مونږ ټولو اوریدو

evil [ˈiːvəl] adj.بد؛  ناوړه 
Evil describes something or someone bad or cruel, not good.

Ex→ The evil figure scared us all.
بد شکله مونږ ټول وویرولو 
create [kriˈeit] v. جوړول 
To create means to make something new.

Ex→ She created an igloo from blocks of snow.
هغی د واوری له مرګوړو څخه کور جوړ کوو
chemical [ˈkɛmɪkəl] n. کیمیاوي ماده

A chemical is something that scientists use in chemistry.

Ex→ The scientist mixed the chemicals.
ساينس پوهانو کيمياوي ماده سره ګډه کړه

carefully [kɛərfəli] adv. احتیاط 

Carefully means with great attention, especially to detail or safety.

Ex→ The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
ماشومه له ځینو څخه په احتياط راښکته شوه 
experiment [ikˈsperəmənt] n. تجربه

An experiment is a test that you do to see what will happen.

Ex→ The students did an experiment in science class.
شاګردانو د ساينس په مضامين کې تجربه وکړه 

kill [kil] v. وژل؛  مړه کول 

To kill someone or something is to make them die.

Ex→ I killed the fly with a fly swatter.
ما مچان په مچرمار باندی ووژل 
scare [skɛər] v. ډار ویره 

To scare someone is to make them feel afraid.

Ex → My uncle was scared by what he saw in the room.
زما تره له هغه څه وډار شو څه چی هغه په کوټه کی ولیدل 
secret [ˈsiːkrɪt] n. راز 

A secret is something that you do not tell other people.

Ex→ The two boys were sharing a secret.
دوو ماشومانو په خپل منځ کی راز شریکول 
shout [ʃaʊt] v. چیغې وهل ؛ غوصه کول 
To shout is to say something loudly.

Ex→ My boss shouted at me because I was late for work.
زما مشر پرما باندی غوصه شو ځکه چی زه دکار لپاره ناوخت شوم 
smell [smel] v. بویول
To smell something means to use your nose to sense it.
Ex→ The two friends smelled the flower.
دوو ملګرو ګل بویول 
laboratory [ˈlӕbrəto:ri] n. 
A laboratory is a room where a scientist works.

Ex→ My mother works in a laboratory.
زما مور په لابراتوار کې کار کوی 
laugh [læf] n. خندا 
Laugh is the sound made when someone is happy or a funny thing occurs.

Ex→ The sound of their laugh filled the room.
دهغوی خندا په ټوله کوټه کی ټراڼګار جوړ کوو 

The lion and the rabbit  
                                                      زمری او سوی

  • First story

A cruel lion lived in the forest. Every day, he killed and ate a lot of animals. The other animals were afraid the lion would kill them all.
یوه ظالم زمری په ځنګل کی ژوند کاوه هره ورځ به يې ډیر حيوانات وژل او خوړل
نور حيوانات به  له زمری څخه ويریدل چی زمری به دوي ټول ووژني 
The animals told the lion, “Let’s make a deal. If you promise to eat only one animal each day, then one of us will come to you every day. Then you don’t have to hunt and kill us.”
حيوانانو زمری ته وویل راځه چی یوه مامله وکړو کچیرې ته له مونږ
سره وعده وکړی چی هره ورځ به یوازی یو حیوان خوری نو له مونږ څخه به تاته یو حیوان هره ورځ راځی بیا ته اړتیا نلری چی مونږ ښکار کړي او ووژني 
The plan sounded well thought-out to the lion, so he agreed, but he also said, “If you don’t come every day, I promise to kill all of you the next day!”

د زمری دغه خبر ډیره خوښه شوه هغه ورسره موافق شوه مګر هغه دا هم وویل کچیرې تاسو هره ورځ نه راغلاست نوبیا زه درسره وعده کوم چی تاسو ټول به بله ورځ ووژنم

Each day after that, one animal went to the lion so that the lion could eat it. Then, all the other animals were safe.
ورسته له هغي ورځی یو حیوان به زمری ته ورتو تر څو زمري یی وخورئ نو بیابه ټوله ورځ نور حیوانات محفوظ وه 

Finally, it was the rabbit’s turn to go to the lion. The rabbit went very slowly that day, so the lion was angry when the rabbit finally arrived.
اخیر هم دسوی نوبت راغی چی زمری ته ورشي ترڅو زمری یی وخورئ  هغه ورځ سوی ډیر په آرامه او سوکه تګ ولاړ کله چې سوی زمری ته ورورسیدو نو زمری ډیر په غوصه وه 

The lion angrily asked the rabbit, “Why are you late?”
زمری په خوشکه لحجه وپوښتل ولی ناوخته شوی؟
I was hiding from another lion in the forest. That lion said he was the king, so I was afraid
سوی داسی جواب ورکړه
زه په ځنګل کی له بل زمری څخه پټ وم هغه ویل چی زه باچا یم نو له دی کبله زه وويریدم 
The lion told the rabbit, “I am the only king here! Take me to that other lion, and I will kill him."
زمری سوی ته وویل يوازينى باچا ددغه ځای زه یم  ما دوهم زمری ته ورورسوه زه به هغه ووژنم

The rabbit replied, “I will be happy to show you where he lives
سوی په جواب کی ورته وویل
زه به ډیر خوشحاله شم چی تاته ددوهم زمری ځای دروښایم

The rabbit led the lion to an old well in the middle of the forest. The well was very deep with water at the bottom. The rabbit told the lion, “Look in there. The lion lives at the bottom.”
سوی زمری تر یوی زړي وياله دځنګل منځ ته بووست د وياله ښکتني برخه ډیره  ژوره او له اوبه څخه ډکه وه
سوی زمری ته وویل وګوره  ددوهم زمری د وياله په ښکتني برخه کی ژوند کوی

When the lion looked in the well, he could see his own face in-the water. He thought that was the other lion. Without waiting another moment, the lion jumped into the well to attack the other lion. He never came out.
کله چی زمری په اوبو کی وکتل هغه ته خپل ځان پکی ورښکاره شوو
هغه دا فکر وکړ چی دغه ددوهم زمری ده پرته له یوی ښیبی انتظار کولو نه هغه اوبه ته ورټوپ کړو ترڅو چی دوهم زمری باندی حمله وکړی او هغه ووژنی
کله چی هغه وياله ته ورټوپ کړو هغه بیا هيڅکله د وياله څخه دباندي رانه غي

All of the other animal in the forest were very pleased with the rabbit’s clever trick.
دڅنګل ټول حیوانات له سوی څخه ډیر خوشحاله او منندوی وه
چی زمری داسی په هوښيارۍ سره فریب او خطا  کړ 


    End of first story
              دلومړي کیسی پای 


  • Second story

Mia’s father had a laboratory, but she had no idea what was in it. Her dad always closed and locked the door when he went in. She knew that he used it to do projects for work. He never told Mia what these projects were.
د ميا پلار لابراتوار درلود مګر هغه په هیڅ شی نه پوهیده چی په لابراتوار کی څه شی دي 
دهغی پلار به همیشه دروازه قلفوله کله چی به هغه لابراتوار ته دننه تو
هغه په دغه خبره پوهیدله چی هغه داکار ددی لپاره کوی چی خپله پروژه ترسره کړی
مګر هغه هيڅکله میا ته نه وه ویلی چی داده څه شی پروژه وه 
1 One night, Mia approached the door to the laboratory. She stopped and thought, “I wonder what crazy experiment he is doing now.” Suddenly, she heard a loud noise. It sounded like an evil laugh. The noise scared her, so she walked quickly back to her room.
یوه شپه میا د لابراتوار دروازی ته ورسیده هغه ودریده او داسی وویل زه
پریشانه یم زما پلار څه تجربه ترسره کوی یودم هغی لوړ غږ واورید داسی غږ وه لکه کوم بلا چی خاندي دغه غږ هغه وډاره کړه نو هغه سمدلاسه بیرته خپلی کمری ته لاړه 

The next night, her friend Liz came to her house. When Liz arrived, Mia told her about the night before. “Oh, it was terrible,” she said.
په دابله شپه دهغی ملګری لیز دمیا کره راغله کله چی لیز راورسیدله میا دتیري شپی په اړه ټوله کیسه ورته وويل
اوو دغه ډیر خواشینوونکی وه لیز وویل 

Why don’t we see what is in there?” Liz asked. “It will be a fun adventure!” Mia felt nervous about going into her father’s laboratory, but she agreed. As always, the door was locked. They waited until Mia’s father left the laboratory to eat dinner. “He didn’t lock the door!” Liz said. “Let’s go.”

لیز ولی مونږ دواړه ګډ نه ورځو وبه ګورو چی هلته څه شی دی دغه به یو خوندور ساعتيري وی
میا په دی اړه اندیښمنه چی دهغې دپلار لابراتوار ته دننه شی مګر هغه هغه له لیز سره همغږۍ شوه
دهمیشه غوندی دروازه قلف وه دوی انتظار وکړ ترڅو چی د میا پلار لابراتوار نه راووځي او د ماخستن ډوډی ته لاړ شئ  
کله چی هغه له لابراتوار څخه راووت هغه دروازه خلاصه پريښوده
لیز وویل راځه چی ځو 
he laboratory was dark. The girls walked down the stairs carefully. Mia smelled strange chemicals. What terrible thing was her father creating?
په لابراتوار کی تیاره وه
دوی له ځینو څخه په احتياط ښکته لاړې میا ته دڅه کيمياوي ماده بوی ورغی څه خواشینونکی شی دهغی پلار جوړه وی 
Suddenly, they heard an evil laugh. It was even worse than the one Mia heard the night before. What if a monster was going to kill them? Mia had to do something. She shouted for help.
یودم دوي دلوړ غږ خندا واوريدله
دغه خندا ډیره ویریونکی وه لکه کومه بلا چی د دوی دوژلو لپاره راروان وی میا د کومک لپاره ناری ووهلي 
Mia’s father ran into the room and turned on the lights. “Oh, no,” he said. “You must have learned my secret.” “Your monster tried to kill us,” Mia said.
دمیا پلار ژر کوټی ته منډه کړه او ګروف یې روښانه کوو
هو نه هغه وويل تاسو به هتمن زما په راز باندی پوشوی یاست
میا وویل ستا بلا هڅه وکړه چی مونږ ووژني 
Monster?” he asked. “You mean this?” He had a pretty doll in his hands. The doll laughed. The laugh didn’t sound so evil anymore. “I made this foryour birthday.iwanted to give it to you then, but you can have it now. I hope you like it
بلا ؟ ستا مطلب دغه هغه په خپل لاس کی یو ښايسته نازکه درلوده دهغی خندا نوره د بلا په سیر نه وه ما دغه ستا د زوړکړی دورځ لپاره جوړه کړی وه 
مګر ته اوس دغه دراخیستلی شی هیله لرم چی زما ډالۍ دی خوشه شوی وی
      End of second story 

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